Terrorism is the most fear thing now in the world. Terrorist is named like that as the one or groups who act a threat or attack to the people or citizen or specific community for struggle of their interest that part of his struggle.
Struggle is for justice, the truth as their faith, freedom of hypocrite, freedom of threat, or something like idealism life in the world. Struggle for idealism is an honor. Terrorism is the result of unjust, hypocrite, cruelty, tyranny. That all things cause terrorism become permissive to legal violence to achieve a goal. Because that all, violence is the part of war, struggle, strategic. In their mind, this situation is a war. Some statement of terrorist is sounds like make United State of America and his property as a target of attack. The terrorist look that United State of America is the ruling actor making unjust, tyranny, thus need to attack to reduce the negative behavior of America. Terrorist Bomber attack in JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton Jakarta July 17, ago is one of example that give evidence that terrorist attack make United State of America properties is the target of terrorism. In a blog: mediaislam-bushro.blogspot.com said that JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton attack purpose to break the economic and financial support of American Businessmen, who are meeting in JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton. Economic and financial is the target of attack of terrorism. That Economical and Financial support make United State cruelty in the world. We know that how United State attack Afghanistan badly damage behind the reason looking for Al-Qaeda Terrorist. There by also happen in Iraq. Iraq crushed is caused by American attack behind the reason prevent Iraq acquiring chemical and biological weapon. Really, there is no chemical and biological weapon belonging of Iraq. No Evidence such as that United State of America accused, including no chemical or biological weapon in Iraq, neither Al-Qaeda Terrorism group in Afghanistan. That all really because Iraq is the one of countries brave to challenge United state of America, plus his people in Islamic religion. Thus also Afghanistan that is attacked and be crushed because one of Islamic countries brave to challenge United State of America, and Allies and also United Nation and International Community who has agreed to elect United Stated lead the world.
Now we can compare what is Bush statement after September 11, 2001 attack. In 2003 the Bush Administration sought to reconcile these partially incompatible goals, by pursuing the priorities its September 2002 report, “The national Security Strategy of United State of America,” identified:
- Wage, and win, the war against the worldwide network of terrorist organization.
- Prevent any other great power from challenging the hegemonic position of united state as the sole global superpower.
- Deter the use of nuclear; biological, or chemical weapon against the United State and its allies.
- Pursue regime change and disarmament in Iraq by all means necessary, including the preemptive use of military force, to overthrow Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein and prevent Iraq acquiring weapons of mass destruction.
- Attempt to recruit global support for U.S military operation while, in those endeavor preventing the United State from becoming isolated from those parts of the world opposed to U.S operation overseas.
- Halt at least slow the proliferation of such weapons, concentrating on the effort to keep these weapons of mass destruction out of the grasp of other alleged terrorist movement such as Al-Qaeda.
- Pursue the search for technology solution to military problems through the development of smaller bombs, non lethal weapons, and an improved ballistic missile defense system in outer space.
- Remain capable of fighting (and winning) an armed conflict in at least two region of strategic importance to the United State, in military interventions that in the best of circumstances minimize American casualties.
- Maintain U.S technological superiority.
- Foster democratic values in other countries.