Lekton Bridge is also said as Leton. It is the most luxurios bridge that exist in Pekanbaru city establish begin about 1975 year and finished and was legitimated fest by Soeharto President in April 19th, 1977. But the real name was Siak Bridge. How this can be? May be this is have to do with history of Pekanbaru Bridge.
Before Lekton Bridge become most luxurious Bridge in Pekanbaru, there is an Pontoon bridge to connect between Bom baru in one side bank and Rumbai in other side bank of Siak river. This bridge like a boat inter connected till other side bank. This bridge if a ship or boat that must go across it, the bridge must be released for a while and pontoon boat bridge can be standing in the bank of river. Only in the morning and the evening this bridge is used and opened for public further more is only opened for PT. Caltex Oil Company, understand this bridge is belong to PT. Caltex Oil Company.
Then after that, by cooperation between PT. Caltex now is known as Chevron and Province government is established Lekton Bridge was named by Siak River Bridge. Pekanbaru people in beginning does not knew that name when the contractor bridge company of Australia begin the Siak River Bridge Project. May be mean promotion that company write in big letter a street banner the name of that company LEICHTON at the both ends of planned bridge project. Since that Pekanbaru people guest leichton is the new name of Siak River bridge, caused that name is similar phonetic with the name of bridge before pontoon. Until in about year 1984, PT. Caltex insight that mistaken name of Siak bridge which known by the people till need to socialization name back to the people was “Jembatan Sungai Siak” or Siak River Bridge.